måndag 9 mars 2015

I want a Kestrophedrone! What is it?

What is a Kestros?
It was a weapon used only during the Third MacedonianWar (171-168 BC). It was most likely invented by Perseus, the Makedonian king (but not him personally). It was a sling which shoots darts. Makedonia lost the war and both the king and the weapon disappeared into oblivion.
So this is a pretty obscure thing, which is maybe the reason I want it!

Even through its limited use I wanted it, maybe just for making my Late Makedonian army complete. After looking around I couldn’t find anyone making one.

So I contacted Menhir, an up and coming Argentine sculptor (and all-round nice person) and asked him if he could make a few for me. He agreed and here is a few renders of the first one!

My plan is to make three bodies and six heads, so there is no need for two figures to be exactly identical on the battlefield. There will be one body reloading and two shooting. Three of the heads will be bare-headed, 2 with sun-hats and one with a Makedonian beret (kausia).

Will I sell them? Maybe. It depends on the interest. If there is big enough interest I will cast them. If not I will just use the masters for my own army.

So if you are interested send me a mail telling me how many you want. I will sell them in packs of 6 (£14 + £4 P&P), 12 (£23 + £4 P&P), 24 (£41 + £4 P&P) or 42 (£76 + £7 P&P). No payment now. When all is ready for casting I will see if there is enough interest and then I will mail back to all interested. So this is like a Kickstarter without nice videos!

Mail me at: bjorn_floderus@yahoo.se if you are interested (just tell me how many you want and your address, so I can calculate the projects budget and postage), or just want to say Hello!

So is this something like a Kickstarter with Stretchgoals?

Well, almost. If there is a lot of interest I will ask Menhir to make some more bodies or maybe some shields.

That's all for now. I will try to update the blogg at least two or three times a week.

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